a non-profit small group tour organised and led by Adrian Hoskins
Trip report
The view from our lodge at Tatama national park – Adrian Hoskins
Things don’t always go according to plan in South America, but it all adds to the sense of adventure! This was our first trip to Colombia, and when we arrived we found the country was in the middle of a national strike which caused disruption and road closures on major routes. Fortunately with the aid of our excellent local guides Dora and Hernan, and our safe reliable driver Mauricio we were able to rearrange the schedule to avoid the road blocks, and a fantastic time was had by everyone!
Delicious food, comfortable accommodation, stunning scenery, gorgeous butterflies, great company and wonderful Colombian hospitality made this a very special tour!
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Heliconius charithonia | Marpesia corinna | Epiphile eriopis |
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Heliconius cydno | Oxeoschistus simplex | Fountainea nobilis |
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Ithomia hyala | Adelpha serpa | Doxocopa laurentia |
After spending a night at Medellin we flew to Pereira to avoid the road blocks, and then had a short drive to our first butterfly site Otun Quimbaya. Our lodge there was located amidst cloudforest at an elevation of 1900m, and most of our butterfly-watching and photography took place on the little-used forest road that stretches from the reserve entrance at 1800m up to about 2300m where the road ends. We also explored the riverbanks, and walked along the narrow trails that led from the lodge into the surrounding forest, where we saw the clearwing Satyr Pseudohaetera hypaesia, and a good selection of Ithomiine glasswings.
The latter are fascinating to watch, fluttering secretively with deep slow wing beats, and occasionally settling on leaves to pose for photographs. Downhill from the lodge we explored a grassy track at the edge of the river, which produced the stunning zebra hairstreak Arawacus leucogyna, several very attractive red and metallic blue-black Altinote species, and a huge red skipper Yanguna cosyra.

Cloudforest at Otun Quimbaya – Adrian Hoskins
Following two full days of immersive butterfly photography at Otun, we embarked on a lengthy journey to our next destination: Tatama National Park. Nestled at an elevation of 1350 meters, our lodge was situated on the fringes of this enchanting and picturesque cloud forest. Our explorations primarily unfolded along the rugged stony road, meandering upwards from the lodge to nearly 3000 meters.
Tatama lies within the Choco ecological zone, renowned for receiving some of the highest rainfall in South America. Yet, it also stands as one of the continent’s most biodiverse butterfly havens. Although intermittent cloud cover and light drizzles deterred us from venturing to the highest elevations, we found ample opportunities for discovery between 1350-1800 meters, where conditions remained relatively warm and dry.
Some among us opted for a leisurely uphill ride in vehicles, followed by a slow descent on foot back to the lodge. Others chose to trek all the way to 1800 meters and back—an exhausting but immensely rewarding endeavor. Along the way, we encountered a multitude of butterfly species, including Callicore, Diaethria, Memphis, Heliconius, Dismorphia, Catasticta, Perisama, Adelpha, Doxocopa, Mesosemia, Catonephele, Epiphile, Hypanartia, Marpesia, and Corades. Among these sightings were the majestic Owl butterfly Caligo oedipus and three resplendent blue giant Morpho species.
The highlights of our journey were undoubtedly the breathtaking pink Fountainea nobilis, the charming Necyria bellona zaneta—a diminutive metalmark adorned with metallic blue bands and crimson spots against a jet-black backdrop—and the magnificent Epiphile eriopis, boasting striking black, red, and white hues as it basked gracefully with outstretched wings on the forest track.

Cecropia tree at dawn, Tatama national park – Adrian Hoskins
Although our tour was primarily focused on butterflies, we often found ourselves distracted by the many other wonders of Tatama – stunning scenery, hummingbirds galore, beautiful orchids, moths of every shape and pattern imaginable, gorgeous dragonflies, and magnificent bugs!

Unidentified bug, Tatama national park – Adrian Hoskins
After reveling in six delightful days at Tatama, our journey led us to Rio Claro, where we spent three days at a nature resort nestled along the riverbanks at an elevation of 350 meters. While butterfly abundance in this locale was relatively modest, the diversity of species proved to be abundant. We encountered and captured photographs of numerous species not found in the higher elevations we had previously visited. Among these treasures were several exquisite metalmarks, including pristine specimens of Sarota chrysus, Ancyluris jurgensenii, Caria mantinea, Caria rhacotis, Lasaia agesilas, and Rhetus periander.
Our next stop took us to the Arrierito Piha Reserve in Antioquoia. Nestled along a tranquil forest road at an elevation of 1700 meters, the cozy lodge provided a wonderful retreat, particularly enchanting for hummingbird enthusiasts. At times, up to 40 of these mesmerizing creatures graced a favored small tree in the lodge garden.
Along the roadside, we encountered a plethora of fabulous butterflies, including the dead-leaf mimic Consul panariste, the stunning metallic blue-banded Emperors Doxocopa cyane and Doxoxopa laurentia cherubina, the charming white-banded Oressinoma typhla, and the blue-tailed metalmark Rhetus dysonii.
Traversing the trails through the cloudforest interior yielded further delights, such as the imposing and remarkably attractive Ithomiine Elzunia humboldt and the gracefully elegant longwing Heliconius clysonymus. Another noteworthy discovery was the white-banded ringlet Splendeuptychia ackeryi, a species that made its scientific debut in 2009, adding a special touch of novelty to our expedition.
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Oressinoma typhla | Hypanartia lethe | Anartia jatrophae |
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Cyanophrys longula | Panthiades bathildis | Callicore tolima |
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Rhetus dysonii | Sarota chrysus | Necyria bellona |
Following our two-day sojourn at the Piha reserve, we embarked on a short drive to Santa Fe de Antioquoia, where a lengthy roadside stop rewarded us with sightings of the vividly colored longwing Dryadula phaetusa, various species of Urbanus long-tailed skippers, and a multitude of attractive hairstreak species. Another nearby site yielded sightings of Monarchs Danaus plexippus and the magnificent banded hairstreak Panthiades bathildis.
Our final day was spent in the company of two friends, Juan and Martin, residents of Medellin who are deeply knowledgeable and passionate about butterfly photography. They graciously guided us to a seemingly unremarkable patch of relict cloudforest on the outskirts of Medellin, situated at an elevation of 1400 meters. To our astonishment, this humble locale proved to be one of the most fruitful sites of our entire journey! A liberal application of liquidized fish bait onto foliage swiftly attracted swarms of butterflies, including the metallic blue Heliconius erato chestertonii and several alluring Adelpha species. Yet, the butterflies that captivated us most were the distinctive Eyemark Skipper Cyclosemia leppa and the stunningly attractive furry-legged Jewelmark Anteros kupris.
In the afternoon, we ventured to another nearby site at an elevation of 1800 meters, where we were treated to sightings of the pretty green hairstreak Cyanophrys longula, numerous glasswing and tiger-patterned Ithomiines, and a variety of pronophiline Satyrs, among which was a Forsterinaria species previously unknown to science.

Pueblito de San Jose, near Medellin – Adrian Hoskins
Species recorded in Colombia in August 2013 – list updated 28 Dec 2013
In total we saw about 430 species on the tour, of which 421 were photographed by the participants Adrian Hoskins, Peter Chadd, Peter Bygate, Les Catchick and Chris Orpin.
Most of us photographed between 200-300 species. The list which follows was compiled by Adrian Hoskins after meticulously checking all the images taken by the participants. Resources consulted included the 7 indispensable volumes of d’Abrera’s ‘Butterflies of the Neotropical region’, Keith Willmott’s ‘The Genus Adelpha’, and the Butterflies of America (Neotropical) website.
I’d like to express my thanks also to Andrew Neild, Tomasz Pyrcz, Jean Francois le Crom, Luis Miguel Constantino and Blanca Huertas for their valued assistance in determining some of the more difficult species.
Hundreds of photographs of the species seen on the tour can now be seen in the Amazon & Andes section, where you will also find detailed articles about the biology of each species.
Hesperiidae |
Achylodes |
busirus |
heros |
Hesperiidae |
Achylodes |
pallida |
Hesperiidae |
Anastrus |
meliboea |
meliboea |
Hesperiidae |
Anisochoria |
pedaliodina |
polysticta |
Hesperiidae |
Anthoptus |
epictetus |
epictetus |
Hesperiidae |
Antigonus |
nearchus |
nearchus |
Hesperiidae |
Apaustus |
gracilis |
gracilis |
Hesperiidae |
Aroma |
aroma |
Hesperiidae |
Astraptes |
anaphus |
Hesperiidae |
Astraptes |
chiriquensis |
Hesperiidae |
Astraptes |
fulgerator |
Hesperiidae |
Autochton |
longipennis |
Hesperiidae |
Autochton |
neis |
Hesperiidae |
Autochton |
zarex |
Hesperiidae |
Bolla |
dorsolaciniae |
Hesperiidae |
Bolla |
giselus |
Hesperiidae |
Camptopleura |
auxo |
giselus |
Hesperiidae |
Camptopleura |
impressus |
Hesperiidae |
Camptopleura |
theramenes |
Hesperiidae |
Carrhenes |
bamba |
bamba |
Hesperiidae |
Carrhenes |
canescens |
canescens |
Hesperiidae |
Celaenorrhinus |
eligius |
Hesperiidae |
Celaenorrhinus |
suthina |
Hesperiidae |
Chalypyge |
zereda |
rufipectus |
Hesperiidae |
Cogia |
calchas |
Hesperiidae |
Corticea |
mendica |
Hesperiidae |
Cycloglypha |
enega |
Hesperiidae |
Cycloglypha |
thrasibulus |
thrasibulus |
Hesperiidae |
Cycloglypha |
tisias |
tisias |
Hesperiidae |
Cyclosemia |
leppa |
Hesperiidae |
Cymaenes |
trebius |
Hesperiidae |
Cymaenes |
tripunctus |
theogenis |
Hesperiidae |
Dalla |
calima |
Hesperiidae |
Dalla |
eryonas |
Hesperiidae |
Dalla |
frater |
Hesperiidae |
Dalla |
plancus |
plancus |
Hesperiidae |
Enosis |
achelous |
Hesperiidae |
Epargyreus |
aspina |
Hesperiidae |
Falga |
jeconia |
Hesperiidae |
Gindanes |
brebisson |
panaetius |
Hesperiidae |
Gorgythion |
begga |
begga |
Hesperiidae |
Helias |
cama |
Hesperiidae |
Helias |
godmani |
Hesperiidae |
Helias |
phalaenoides |
Hesperiidae |
Heliopetes |
alana |
Hesperiidae |
Heliopetes |
arsalte |
arsalte |
Hesperiidae |
Heliopetes |
laviana |
laviana |
Hesperiidae |
Hylephila |
phyleus |
phyleus |
Hesperiidae |
Lento |
ludo |
Hesperiidae |
Mictris |
crispus |
caerula |
Hesperiidae |
Milanion |
hemes |
Hesperiidae |
Mylon |
lassia |
Hesperiidae |
Mylon |
zephus |
Hesperiidae |
Nisoniades |
hecale |
Hesperiidae |
Noctuana |
haematospila |
Hesperiidae |
Noctuana |
noctua |
Hesperiidae |
Nyctelius |
nyctelius |
nyctelius |
Hesperiidae |
Ouleus |
fridericus |
fridericus |
Hesperiidae |
Panoquina |
evadnes |
evadnes |
Hesperiidae |
Pellicia |
santana |
Hesperiidae |
Penicula |
cristina |
Hesperiidae |
Phocides |
pigmalion |
pigmalion |
Hesperiidae |
Polythrix |
hirtius |
Hesperiidae |
Pompeius |
pompeius |
Hesperiidae |
Potamanaxas |
andaemon |
Hesperiidae |
Potamanaxas |
laoma |
trigga |
Hesperiidae |
Potamanaxas |
latrea |
caliadne |
Hesperiidae |
Potamanaxas |
melicertes |
Hesperiidae |
Potamanaxas |
quira |
Hesperiidae |
Pyrgus |
adepta |
Hesperiidae |
Pyrgus |
orcus |
Hesperiidae |
Pyrrhopyge |
evansi |
evansi |
Hesperiidae |
Pyrrhopyge |
papius |
papius |
Hesperiidae |
Pythonides |
herennius |
herennius |
Hesperiidae |
Quadrus |
lugubris |
ophia |
Hesperiidae |
Remella |
remus |
Hesperiidae |
Saliana |
hewitsoni |
Hesperiidae |
Saliana |
salius |
salius |
Hesperiidae |
Saliana |
severus |
Hesperiidae |
Spioniades |
abbreviata |
anta |
Hesperiidae |
Timochreon |
satyrus |
satyrus |
Hesperiidae |
Urbanus |
albimargo |
albimargo |
Hesperiidae |
Urbanus |
esta |
Hesperiidae |
Urbanus |
proteus |
Hesperiidae |
Urbanus |
simplicius |
simplicius |
Hesperiidae |
Urbanus |
teleus |
teleus |
Hesperiidae |
Vettius |
coryna |
catargyra |
Hesperiidae |
Vettius |
marcus |
Hesperiidae |
Xenophanes |
tryxus |
tryxus |
Hesperiidae |
Yanguna |
cosyra |
Hesperiidae |
Zenis |
jebus |
beckeri |
Hesperiidae |
Zera |
hosta |
Lycaenidae |
Arawacus |
aetolus |
aetolus |
Lycaenidae |
Arawacus |
leucogyna |
Lycaenidae |
Arawacus |
lincoides |
Lycaenidae |
Brangas |
felderi |
Lycaenidae |
Calycopis |
calus |
Lycaenidae |
Calycopis |
cerata |
Lycaenidae |
Calycopis |
demonassa |
Lycaenidae |
Contrafacia |
imma |
Lycaenidae |
Cupido |
comyntas |
texana |
Lycaenidae |
Cyanophrys |
longula |
Lycaenidae |
Erora |
subflorens |
Lycaenidae |
Gargina |
emessa |
Lycaenidae |
Hemiargus |
hanno |
Lycaenidae |
Ipidecla |
schausi |
Lycaenidae |
Laothus |
gibberosa |
Lycaenidae |
Leptotes |
bathyllos |
Lycaenidae |
Micandra |
platyptera |
Lycaenidae |
Ministrymon |
azia |
azia |
Lycaenidae |
Ministrymon |
una |
Lycaenidae |
Mithras |
colombiensis |
Lycaenidae |
Nicolaea |
heraldica |
Lycaenidae |
Nicolaea |
pyxis |
Lycaenidae |
Ocaria |
aholiba |
Lycaenidae |
Ostrinotes |
keila |
Lycaenidae |
Panthiades |
bathildis |
Lycaenidae |
Pseudolycaena |
marsyas |
Lycaenidae |
Rekoa |
meton |
Lycaenidae |
Strymon |
mulucha |
Lycaenidae |
Strymon |
serapio |
Lycaenidae |
Symbiopsis |
tanais |
Lycaenidae |
Theclopsis |
demea |
Lycaenidae |
Thereus |
orasus |
Lycaenidae |
Theritas |
augustinula |
Lycaenidae |
Theritas |
hemon |
Lycaenidae |
Theritas |
mavors |
Lycaenidae |
Tmolus |
echion |
echiolus |
Lycaenidae |
Zizula |
cyna |
Nymphalidae |
Actinote |
anteas |
anteas |
Nymphalidae |
Actinote |
pellenea |
limbata |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
alala |
negra |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
barnesia |
leucas |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
boeotia |
boeotia |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
cytherea |
daguana |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
ethelda |
eponina |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
justina |
justina |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
lamasi |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
leucopthalma |
leucopthalma |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
levona |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
lycorias |
wallisii |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
melona |
deborah |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
rothschildi |
Nymphalidae |
Adelpha |
serpa |
celerio |
Nymphalidae |
Aeria |
eurimedia |
latistriga |
Nymphalidae |
Altinote |
neleus |
neleus |
Nymphalidae |
Altinote |
ozomene |
Nymphalidae |
Altinote |
stratonice |
stratonice |
Nymphalidae |
Amphidecta |
calliomma |
Nymphalidae |
Anartia |
amathea |
amathea |
Nymphalidae |
Anartia |
jatrophae |
jatrophae |
Nymphalidae |
Anthanassa |
acesas |
castianira |
Nymphalidae |
Anthanassa |
drusilla |
drusilla |
Nymphalidae |
Archaeoprepona |
demophon |
muson |
Nymphalidae |
Archaeoprepona |
meander |
megabates |
Nymphalidae |
Caligo |
illioneus |
illioneus |
Nymphalidae |
Caligo |
oedipus |
oedipus |
Nymphalidae |
Callicore |
atacama |
manova |
Nymphalidae |
Callicore |
lyca |
Nymphalidae |
Callicore |
pitheas |
Nymphalidae |
Callicore |
tolima |
denina |
Nymphalidae |
Castilia |
castilla |
castilla |
Nymphalidae |
Castilia |
eranites |
Nymphalidae |
Catonephele |
chromis |
godmani |
Nymphalidae |
Catonephele |
numilia |
esite |
Nymphalidae |
Catonephele |
nyctimus |
Nymphalidae |
Ceratinia |
tutia |
transversa |
Nymphalidae |
Chlosyne |
narva |
bonpland |
Nymphalidae |
Chlosyne |
theona |
hondana |
Nymphalidae |
Cissia |
labe |
Nymphalidae |
Colobura |
annulata |
annulata |
Nymphalidae |
Colobura |
dirce |
dirce |
Nymphalidae |
Consul |
fabius |
Nymphalidae |
Consul |
panariste |
ludmilla |
Nymphalidae |
Corades |
enyo |
almo |
Nymphalidae |
Corades |
pannonia |
ploas |
Nymphalidae |
Dagon |
pusilla |
Nymphalidae |
Danaus |
eresimus |
montezuma |
Nymphalidae |
Danaus |
plexippus |
Nymphalidae |
Diaethria |
clymena |
marchalii |
Nymphalidae |
Diaethria |
euclides |
phlogea |
Nymphalidae |
Dione |
juno |
andicola |
Nymphalidae |
Dione |
moneta |
butleri |
Nymphalidae |
Dircenna |
dero |
Nymphalidae |
Doxocopa |
cyane |
mexicana |
Nymphalidae |
Doxocopa |
laurentia |
cherubina |
Nymphalidae |
Doxocopa |
pavon |
Nymphalidae |
Doxocopa |
zunilda |
felderi |
Nymphalidae |
Dryadula |
phaetusa |
Nymphalidae |
Dryas |
iulia |
iulia |
Nymphalidae |
Dynamine |
chryseis |
Nymphalidae |
Dynamine |
paulina |
thalassina |
Nymphalidae |
Dynamine |
postverta |
postverta |
Nymphalidae |
Dynamine |
sosthenes |
sosthenes |
Nymphalidae |
Ectima |
erycinoides |
Nymphalidae |
Elzunia |
humboldt |
humboldt |
Nymphalidae |
Epiphile |
chrysites |
chrysites |
Nymphalidae |
Epiphile |
dilecta |
Nymphalidae |
Epiphile |
eriopis |
eriopis |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
carme |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
clio |
clio |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
datis |
manto |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
emerantia |
emerantia |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
ithomioides |
poecilina |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
levina |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
phaedima |
Nymphalidae |
Eresia |
polina |
polina |
Nymphalidae |
Eretris |
calisto |
calisto |
Nymphalidae |
Eretris |
depresissima |
Nymphalidae |
Eretris |
ocellifera |
ocellifera |
Nymphalidae |
Eretris |
oculata |
Nymphalidae |
Eunica |
bechina |
bechina |
Nymphalidae |
Eunica |
carias |
carias |
Nymphalidae |
Eunica |
evelide |
evelide |
Nymphalidae |
Eunica |
norica |
norica |
Nymphalidae |
Euptychia |
jesia |
Nymphalidae |
Euptychoides |
griphe |
Nymphalidae |
Euptychoides |
laccine |
Nymphalidae |
Euptychoides |
saturnus |
Nymphalidae |
Forsterinaria |
inornata |
Nymphalidae |
Forsterinaria |
neonympha |
Nymphalidae |
Forsterinaria |
pallida |
aurita |
Nymphalidae |
Forsterinaria |
pseudinornata |
Nymphalidae |
Fountainea |
nessus |
nessus |
Nymphalidae |
Fountainea |
nobilis |
pacifica |
Nymphalidae |
Gnathotriche |
exclamationis |
exclamationis |
Nymphalidae |
Godyris |
duillia |
Nymphalidae |
Godyris |
zavaleta |
Nymphalidae |
Greta |
andromica |
andromica |
Nymphalidae |
Hamadryas |
fornax |
Nymphalidae |
Hamadryas |
laodamia |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
charithonia |
charithonia |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
clysonymus |
clysonymus |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
cydno |
cydnides |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
doris |
obscuris, viridis & dives |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
erato |
chestertonii |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
hecale |
Nymphalidae |
Heliconius |
melpomene |
martinae |
Nymphalidae |
Hermeuptychia |
cucullina |
Nymphalidae |
Hermeuptychia |
harmonia |
Nymphalidae |
Hermeuptychia |
hermes |
Nymphalidae |
Hermeuptychia |
maimoune |
Nymphalidae |
Historis |
odius |
odius |
Nymphalidae |
Hypanartia |
dione |
dione |
Nymphalidae |
Hypanartia |
lethe |
Nymphalidae |
Hypanartia |
trimaculata |
trimaculata |
Nymphalidae |
Hypna |
clytemnestra |
Nymphalidae |
Hypoleria |
lavinia |
vanilia |
Nymphalidae |
Hypothyris |
lycaste |
Nymphalidae |
Ithomia |
avella |
cesleria |
Nymphalidae |
Ithomia |
hyala |
sincerus |
Nymphalidae |
Janatella |
fellula |
Nymphalidae |
Janatella |
leucodesma |
Nymphalidae |
Junonia |
evarete |
zonalis |
Nymphalidae |
Lycorea |
halia |
Nymphalidae |
Lymanopoda |
albocincta |
albocincta |
Nymphalidae |
Lymanopoda |
obsoleta |
Nymphalidae |
Magneuptychia |
libye |
Nymphalidae |
Magneuptychia |
tiessa |
Nymphalidae |
Manataria |
hercyna |
daguana |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
chiron |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
corinna |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
furcula |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
marcella |
marcella |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
petreus |
Nymphalidae |
Marpesia |
zerynthia |
Nymphalidae |
Mechanitis |
polymnia |
veritabilis |
Nymphalidae |
Melinaea |
idea |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
acidalia |
memphis |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
arginussa |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
laura |
caucana |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
lyceus |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
moeris |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
oenomais |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
perenna |
austrina |
Nymphalidae |
Memphis |
xenocles |
Nymphalidae |
Mesotaenia |
vaninka |
doris |
Nymphalidae |
Morpho |
deidamia |
granadensis |
Nymphalidae |
Morpho |
helenor |
leontius |
Nymphalidae |
Napeogenes |
peridia |
hoppi |
Nymphalidae |
Nessaea |
aglaura |
aglaura |
Nymphalidae |
Nica |
flavilla |
Nymphalidae |
Oleria |
amalda |
amalda |
Nymphalidae |
Oleria |
makrena |
Nymphalidae |
Oleria |
phenomoe |
Nymphalidae |
Oleria |
santineza |
Nymphalidae |
Opsiphanes |
cassina |
chiriquensis |
Nymphalidae |
Opsiphanes |
invirae |
sticheli |
Nymphalidae |
Opsiphanes |
quiteria |
badius |
Nymphalidae |
Oressinoma |
typhla |
typhla |
Nymphalidae |
Oxeoschistus |
simplex |
fuscus |
Nymphalidae |
Panacea |
prola |
Nymphalidae |
Parataygetis |
lineata |
lineata |
Nymphalidae |
Pareuptychia |
hesionides |
Nymphalidae |
Pareuptychia |
metaleuca |
Nymphalidae |
Pareuptychia |
ocirrhoe |
ocirrhoe |
Nymphalidae |
Patricia |
dercyllidas |
dercyllidas |
Nymphalidae |
Pedaliodes |
dejecta |
Nymphalidae |
Pedaliodes |
demarmelsi |
Nymphalidae |
Pedaliodes |
phrasicla |
phrasicla |
Nymphalidae |
Perisama |
bomplandii |
bomplandii |
Nymphalidae |
Perisama |
humboldtii |
humboldtii |
Nymphalidae |
Perisama |
oppelii |
oppelii |
Nymphalidae |
Perisama |
typhania |
Nymphalidae |
Perisama |
yeba |
malvina |
Nymphalidae |
Philaethria |
dido |
dido |
Nymphalidae |
Pierella |
helvina |
helvina |
Nymphalidae |
Podotricha |
judith |
caucana |
Nymphalidae |
Pronophila |
unifasciata |
brennus |
Nymphalidae |
Pseudohaetera |
hypaesia |
Nymphalidae |
Pseudohaetera |
mimica |
Nymphalidae |
Pseudomaniola |
phaselis |
pholoe |
Nymphalidae |
Pseudoscada |
timna |
saturata |
Nymphalidae |
Pyrrhogyra |
crameri |
undine |
Nymphalidae |
Pyrrhogyra |
edocla |
edocla |
Nymphalidae |
Siproeta |
epaphus |
Nymphalidae |
Siproeta |
stelenes |
Nymphalidae |
Smyrna |
blomfildia |
datis |
Nymphalidae |
Taygetis |
chrysogone |
Nymphalidae |
Taygetis |
thamyra |
Nymphalidae |
Tegosa |
claudina |
claudina |
Nymphalidae |
Temenis |
laothoe |
colombiana |
Nymphalidae |
Tigridia |
acesta |
acesta |
Nymphalidae |
Tithorea |
tarricina |
parola |
Nymphalidae |
Vanessa |
braziliensis |
Nymphalidae |
Ypthimoides |
renata |
Papilionidae |
Battus |
polydamas |
polydamas |
Papilionidae |
Eurytides |
colombus |
Papilionidae |
Heraclides |
thoas |
nealces |
Papilionidae |
Neographium |
agesilaus |
eimeri |
Papilionidae |
Parides |
erithalion |
erithalion |
Pieridae |
Anteos |
maerula |
Pieridae |
Archonias |
brassolis |
semialba |
Pieridae |
Ascia |
monuste |
monuste |
Pieridae |
Catasticta |
ctemene |
strigosa |
Pieridae |
Catasticta |
flisa |
dilutior |
Pieridae |
Catasticta |
hegemon |
helle |
Pieridae |
Catasticta |
prioneris |
albescens |
Pieridae |
Catasticta |
sisamnus |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
crisia |
foedora |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
hippotas |
diana |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
lelex |
valeria |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
lua |
idea |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
medora |
medora |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
mirandola |
discolora |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
theucharila |
theucharila |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
zaela |
zaela |
Pieridae |
Dismorphia |
zathoe |
zathoe |
Pieridae |
Enantia |
lina |
agatha |
Pieridae |
Eurema |
albula |
marginella |
Pieridae |
Eurema |
arbela |
gratiosa |
Pieridae |
Eurema |
daira |
lydia |
Pieridae |
Eurema |
elathea |
vitellina |
Pieridae |
Eurema |
xantochlora |
xantochlora |
Pieridae |
Hesperocharis |
marchallii |
Pieridae |
Leodonta |
tellane |
intermedia |
Pieridae |
Leptophobia |
aripa |
aripa |
Pieridae |
Leptophobia |
caesia |
tenuicornis |
Pieridae |
Leptophobia |
tovaria |
maruga |
Pieridae |
Lieinix |
nemesis |
nemesis |
Pieridae |
Melete |
leucanthe |
leucanthe |
Pieridae |
Phoebis |
neocypris |
rurina |
Pieridae |
Phoebis |
philea |
Pieridae |
Phoebis |
sennae |
Pieridae |
Pseudopieris |
nehemia |
luisa |
Pieridae |
Pyrisitia |
nise |
stygma |
Pieridae |
Pyrisitia |
venusta |
venusta |
Riodinidae |
Amphiselenis |
chama |
Riodinidae |
Ancyluris |
inca |
huascar |
Riodinidae |
Ancyluris |
jurgensenii |
atahualpa |
Riodinidae |
Anteros |
cruentatus |
Riodinidae |
Anteros |
formosus |
theleia |
Riodinidae |
Anteros |
kupris |
kupris |
Riodinidae |
Argyrogrammana |
caelestina |
Riodinidae |
Baeotis |
macularia |
Riodinidae |
Baeotis |
zonata |
Riodinidae |
Calephelis |
laverna |
laverna |
Riodinidae |
Caria |
mantinea |
Riodinidae |
Caria |
rhacotis |
rhacotis |
Riodinidae |
Chamaelimas |
briola |
Riodinidae |
Chalodetta |
lypera |
Riodinidae |
Charis |
anius |
anius |
Riodinidae |
Crocozona |
pheretima |
Riodinidae |
Detritivora |
hermodora |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
cypria |
paphia |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
glaucescens |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
lucinda |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
lupina |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
mandana |
mandana |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
ocypore |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
tegula |
Riodinidae |
Emesis |
tenedia |
Riodinidae |
Eurybia |
lycisca |
Riodinidae |
Euselasia |
bettina |
Riodinidae |
Euselasia |
corduena |
anadema |
Riodinidae |
Euselasia |
eupatra |
Riodinidae |
Exoplisia |
hypochalybe |
Riodinidae |
Lasaia |
agesilas |
agesilas |
Riodinidae |
Leucochimona |
icare |
polita |
Riodinidae |
Leucochimona |
lagora |
Riodinidae |
Lyropteryx |
apollonia |
Riodinidae |
Melanis |
cinaron |
Riodinidae |
Melanis |
electron |
pronostriga |
Riodinidae |
Menander |
pretus |
Riodinidae |
Mesosemia |
mevania |
mevania |
Riodinidae |
Mesosemia |
minos |
modica |
Riodinidae |
Mesosemia |
pacifica |
Riodinidae |
Mesosemia |
zonalis |
Riodinidae |
Napaea |
theages |
asteria |
Riodinidae |
Necyria |
bellona |
zaneta & westwoodi |
Riodinidae |
Notheme |
erota |
diadema |
Riodinidae |
Rhetus |
dysonii |
caligosus |
Riodinidae |
Rhetus |
periander |
laonome |
Riodinidae |
Sarota |
chrysus |
Riodinidae |
Sarota |
neglecta |
Riodinidae |
Siseme |
alectryo |
alectryo |
Riodinidae |
Siseme |
aristoteles |
sprucei |
Riodinidae |
Siseme |
pallas |
pallas |
Riodinidae |
Synargis |
calyce |
Riodinidae |
Theope |
pedias |
Riodinidae |
Thisbe |
irenea |