There are about 40 Colotis species, of which 39 are primarily or entirely Afrotropical in distribution.
Most Colotis butterflies have white uppersides, with orange or crimson wing tips, but there are a few exceptions, whose uppersides are predominantly yellow, with black markings.
Colotis protomedia is a large species, with a beautiful primrose yellow upperside, bordered with black. The veins on the forewings are also black, as it the sub apical bar.
The Yellow Splendour is distributed from Nigeria to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia and south west Arabia.
This species inhabits dry savannah at altitudes between about 800-2000m.
The larval foodplant is Maerua ( Capparidaceae ).
Adult behaviour
The butterflies are very active, pausing only to nectar periodically at the flowers of Maerua bushes.