The genus Chlosyne comprises of about 26 species, and is largely Central American in distribution, although there are several species including californica, palla, whitneyi, hoffmanni, gabbii, harrisii, fulvia, gorgone and nycteis which are found only in North America.
Most Chlosyne species have a Fritillary / Checkerspot type of pattern on both wing surfaces, but ehrenbergii is black on both wing surfaces, marked with radiating creamy lines, which are more prominent on the underside of the wings.
Chlosyne ehrenbergii is endemic to Mexico.
This species is found mainly in scrubby situations, including along roadsides.
The eggs are pale yellow in colour, and laid in batches of up to 200, on the underside of leaves of the foodplant, Buddleia ( Scrophulariaceae ).
Adult behaviour
Chlosyne ehrenbergii is very unusual in that the females are highly gregarious, clustering together in groups of a dozen or more on Buddleia bushes. Often as many as 4 or 5 females can be found simultaneously ovipositing on a single leaf.
Both sexes nectar at a wide variety of wild flowers, favouring daisies and other Compositae.