Podotricha judith, Tatama NP, Colombia – Adrian Hoskins
The tribe Heliconiini, colloquially known as Longwings, includes 71 species, all confined exclusively to the neotropics. The Heliconiini includes the genera Heliconius, Podotricha, Dryas, Agraulis, Dione, Dryadula, Eueides, Neruda, Laparus and Philaethria.
There are 2 members of the genus Podotricha, both characterised by their angular wings which are quite unlike those of other Heliconiines.
Podotricha judith is an uncommon species found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Podotricha judith occurs at elevations between about 1200-2000m in the eastern Andes.
To be completed.
Adult behaviour
Heliconiine butterflies, including Podotricha, are characterised by having a delicate fluttering flight, particularly when hovering around flowers. Both sexes visit Eupatorium and Senecia for nectar.