Tiger-eye Hairstreak

Scientific Name
Rekoa meton
CRAMER, 1779
Specie in
Tiger-eye Hairstreak
Rekoa meton, Catarata Bayoz, Le Merced, Peru – Adrian Hoskins


Almost all neotropical Theclinae species are placed in the Eumaeini. The tribe is not particularly well represented in collections, so until fairly recently a high percentage remained unstudied, and were inappropriately filed away in the ‘convenience’ genus Thecla. Many taxonomists have attempted to rationalise the systematics of the Eumaeini, the most recent being Robbins who published a revision in 2004, reclassifying the taxa into 83 genera. Currently there are 1058 known species. Taking into account their small size, secretive behaviour, and the great similarities between many species, it is estimated that about another 200 species probably remain to be discovered.

There are 8 Rekoa species, all of which are neotropical in distribution. Five of them – marius, abeja, stagira, zebina and bourkei are ‘typical’ hairstreaks – their undersides are plain brown, marked with red tornal spots on the hindwings, and the hairline streak from which the popular name “hairstreak” is derived. Two of the others, i.e. palegon and malina, have a series of suffused dark lines on the undersides, but the striking tiger stripes and false ‘cat’s eye’ on the hindwings of meton are unique. Males of all Rekoa species have iridescent blue uppersides. Females are brown with only a vague pale blue sheen.

Rekoa meton is distributed from Mexico to Bolivia and Paraguay.


This species is found in tropical and subtropical forest-edge habitats at altitudes from 200-800m.


To be completed.

Adult behaviour

The butterflies are normally seen singly. Males can be found perched on foliage or dead flower heads, presumably using these outposts as perching places from which to survey passing females. They are also sometimes seen imbibing moisture from the ground.

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Butterfly of
Scientific Name
Rekoa meton
CRAMER, 1779

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