The genus Pardaleodes comprises of 6 species, all of which are entirely African in distribution.
Pardaleodes sator is found across most of tropical sub-Sahara Africa from Senegal to Congo.
The popular name is misleading, as while it is certainly less common than its relative edipus, it is by no means a rarity.
This species is found mainly along tracks and roads through degraded forest.
The larvae feed nocturnally on grasses including Oplismenus (Poaceae).
Adult behaviour
Both sexes nectar at a wide range of flowers but are particularly attracted to species with yellow or white petals. They can be found basking on sunny mornings on the foliage of bushes and grasses, but as the day warms up they become very active, flying rapidly from flower to flower, and holding their wings erect while feeding. By midday it is generally too hot for them to continue flying so they seek shade beneath bushes.