The genus Neurellipes comprises of 8 species. It is dubiously classified as a distinct genus although anatomically it is distinguished from Anthene only by minor and inconsistent differences in forewing venation. All “Neurellipes” species are Afrotropical in distribution. The uppersides of both sexes of all species are blackish, with orange patches on the forewings. In common with Anthene they have three short tails on each hindwing. The undersides are generally darker than those of Anthene and have more linear markings.
Neurellipes lusones is the most widely distributed member of the genus, found from Sierra Leone to southern Sudan, and south to Angola, Uganda and western Tanzania.
This species is found in closed canopy forest.
The lifecycle does not appear to be recorded.
Adult behaviour
The adults are usually found in two’s and three’s. Males spend most of the day perching on large leaves of Marantaceae, and only fly when they catch sight of another small dark butterfly.