Teratophthalma maenades female, Peru – Tony Hoare
There are 5 known Teratophthalma species, all of which are restricted to the eastern Andes from Colombia to Bolivia.The butterflies are closely allied to Eurybia and share with them the characteristic red or orange ringed ocelli on the forewings. With the exception of monochroma all Teratophthalma species have extensive translucent markings, which are more pronounced in the females.
Teratophthalma maenades is distributed from Colombia to Peru.
This species occurs in rainforest and cloudforest habitats at elevations between about 800-1800m. The butterflies are never seen in open sunlit areas, instead preferring the darkness of the forest understorey.
Adult behaviour
The adults are secretive by nature, spending long periods resting under the leaves of low growing vegetation, with wings spread open. In common with most other Riodinids they habitually rest with their antennae parallel and pointing forward.