The genus Spialia is very closely allied to Pyrgus, and comprises of about 30 species worldwide, the majority of which are wholly or partly Afrotropical in distribution.
The commonest and most widespread species is spio, which is found on savannahs and agricultural land in almost every country on the continent.
Spialia ploetzi is found from Guinea and Sierra Leone to Congo, Uganda, western Kenya and north-west Tanzania.
This species is found in transitional habitats including forest clearings, agricultural land, and river embankments. It also occurs around villages, in gardens and on flowery wasteland.
The only recorded foodplant is Triumfetta ( Tiliaceae ), but it is likely that Malvaceae and possibly Sterculiaceae are also used, as in related species.
Adult behaviour
The butterflies have a very rapid whirring flight, just above ground level, where they whiz about in circles and figure-of-eights, and are impossible to follow by eye. They settle frequently however to nectar at flowers, and on overcast days can sometimes be found basking on the ground.