Pasture Skipper

Scientific Name
Vehilius stictomenes
BUTLER, 1877
Specie in
Pasture Skipper
Vehilius stictomenes, Rio Pindayo, Peru – Adrian Hoskins


There are at least 1038 known species of Grass Skippers ( Hesperiinae ) found in the neotropical region. Among these are several genera in which the butterflies are dark in colour, with the veins on the underside picked out in a contrasting paler shade. These include Apaustus, Callimormus, Lento, Euphyes, Flacilla, Ludens, Molo, Parphorus, Peba, Phlebodes, Radiatus, Venas, Virga and Vehilius. To distinguish between the genera it is necessary to study the venation, and the markings between the veins. In some genera / species the spaces are devoid of markings, while in others there are pale streaks, dashes or spots, in various configurations.

There are 12 known species in the genus Vehilius, of which Vehilius stictomenes is the commonest and most widespread, being found across most of tropical South America.


This species can be found in almost any grassy habitat including riverbanks, forest glades, edges and clearings, fields and pastures, roadsides, parks and gardens, at altitudes between sea level and at least 1200m.


To be completed.

Adult behaviour

The butterflies are very active in sunshine, but can often be found at rest during overcast weather, or very early in the day, when they sit with wings held erect, on low herbage.

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Scientific Name
Vehilius stictomenes
BUTLER, 1877

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