The genus Udara comprises of about 40 species found variously from India and Sri Lanka to China, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea and north-east Australia. There is also a single species blackburnii which is endemic to Hawaii.
The upper surface of the wings of all species are very pale silvery blue, with blackish margins that are broader in the female than in the male. The pattern of black spots and grey markings on the silvery grey underside is found in several other genera including Plautella and Celastrina so close attention to the configuration of the markings is essential when identifying these butterflies.
Udara dilecta is found in India, Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, China, West Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and New Guinea.
This butterfly is found in open forested habitats at elevations between about 500-2000m.
The larvae are known to feed on Castanopsis ( Fagaceae ).
Adult behaviour
Males are usually seen either singly or in two’s and three’s amidst mixed aggregations of mud-puddling Polyommatines.