Diaethria pandama, Mexico – Tony Hoare
The genus Diaethria is confined to Central and South America – 3 species are found in Mexico while the remainder are widely distributed across the Amazon and Andes.
The uppersides of all Diaethria species are black, marked on the forewings with a diagonal band of metallic blue or green. In some species this colour is repeated on the hindwings in the form of a submarginal band.The ’88’ numerals which appear on the underside hindwings of pandama are present in all 12 of the Diaethria species but vary in colour, thickness and shape. In clymena for example the markings are quite thick, and often form an ’88’ figure, while in others such as neglecta and euclides they are thin and form an ’89’.
Diaethria pandama is a Central American species, found from Mexico to Panama.
This species is found in cloudforest habitats at elevations between about 800-1600m.
The eggs are whitish, and laid singly on the leaves of the foodplant Serjania.
Adult behaviour
Diaethria pandama is usually seen singly. As with all Diaethria species the males are strongly attracted to urine-soaked sand, and also imbibe dissolved minerals from damp soil, road surfaces, stones and rocks. They are very active butterflies, easily disturbed, and rarely settle for more than a few seconds at a time in one spot, although they will return repeatedly to the same patch of ground.