Mottled Hairstreak

Scientific Name
Arawacus dolylas
CRAMER, 1777
Specie in
Mottled Hairstreak
Arawacus dolylas, Ecuador – Tony Hoare


Almost all neotropical Theclinae species are placed in the Eumaeini. The tribe is not particularly well represented in collections, so until fairly recently a high percentage remained unstudied, and were inappropriately filed away in the ‘convenience’ genus Thecla.

Many taxonomists have attempted to rationalise the systematics of the Eumaeini, the most recent being Robbins who published a revision in 2004, reclassifying the taxa into 83 genera. Currently there are 1058 known species. Taking into account their small size, secretive behaviour, and the great similarities between many species, it is estimated that about another 200 species probably remain to be discovered.

There are 18 species of Arawacus, all confined to the neotropical region. All have a similar pattern of brown or black stripes radiating from the tornus of the hindwing and terminating at points along the forewing costa. In many species including separata and togarna the stripes are well defined and stand out in high contrast against a white ground colour. In others such as dolylas the effect is more subtle and serves to disrupt the outline of the butterfly, rendering it invisible as it rests on soil, or among dead leaves.

Arawacus dolylas is found in Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam and Ecuador.


This species is found in sunny areas along forest trails, at altitudes between about 400-1200m.


To be completed.

Adult behaviour

To be completed.

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Butterfly of
Scientific Name
Arawacus dolylas
CRAMER, 1777

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