The genus Osmodes comprises of 15 species, distributed variously across tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. All have blackish-brown uppersides with extensive bright orange-yellow markings. The undersides are yellow, mottled with blackish in most species, and are marked with conspicuous white spots which vary in configuration according to species.
Osmodes laronia is the commonest and most widespread member of the genus, being found from Liberia to Kenya.
This species is found mainly along tracks and roads through degraded forest.

The larval foodplants include Marantochloa, Thalia and Thaumatococcus (Marantaceae).
Adult behaviour
The butterflies are usually encountered in two’s and three’s in forest edge habitats. Most sightings are in the early morning, when both sexes can be seen basking in the typical Hesperiine posture, on the leaves of trees and bushes, at heights between 1-5 metres above ground level.