There are 5 Catuna species, all Afrotropical in distribution. Catuna crithea is by far the commonest, and is found throughout the forested areas of sub-Saharan Africa, from Guinea to western Kenya and Zambia, but does not reach South Africa or the east coast of the continent.
This is a rainforest species, and tends to be most abundant along paths and tracks where dappled sunlight filters through the tree foliage to reach the forest floor.
The larval foodplants include Manilkara, Mimusops, Malacantha, Aningueria, Gambeya, Pachystela, Engerophytum, Vincentella and Synsepalum – all members of the Sapotaceae.
Adult behaviour
The Infuriating Pathfinder is one of the commonest and familiar species in the forests of Africa, yet it is probably the most frustrating of all butterflies to photograph. The adults never fly more than a few centimeters above ground level, and constantly patrol back and forth along paths, pausing only for a moment here and there. Catuna are fast on the wing, and extremely alert. They taunt the photographer by repeatedly landing just out of camera-reach. Even the most careful approach causes them to take flight, only to land again a short distance away.