Callicore hesperis, Satipo, Peru – Adrian Hoskins
There are about 20 species in the genus Callicore, all of which bear distinctive and graphic patterns on the underside hindwings, often resembling numbers or letters of the alphabet. A few have more abstract patterns such as the irregular row of 6 spots found on hesperis. All Callicore species have black uppersides, marked on the forewings with bright red or orange bands. The hindwings of some species also have red markings but in most species including hesperis they are plain black, with a brilliant reflective blue sheen.
Unfortunately these beautiful butterflies are killed in vast numbers for their wings which are used by the souvenir trade for the production of decorated plates, jewellery, place mats and other trivia.
Callicore hesperis is found in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
This species is found in tropical rainforest at altitudes between about 200-1000m.
Callicore hesperis, Satipo, Peru – Adrian Hoskins
I have no information specific to hesperis. In most Callicore species the eggs are white, and are laid singly on Serjania, Allophylus or other Sapindaceae.
Adult behaviour
Males visit sandbanks to imbibe dissolved minerals from urine-soaked ground, but are usually only seen as singletons, often amidst small aggregations of other Callicore and Diaethria species.

Callicore hesperis, Satipo, Peru – Adrian Hoskins