The genus Eurytela comprises of 4 species. Eurytela hiarbas and alinda are confined to mainland Africa. E. narinda is endemic to Madagascar.
Eurytela dryope is the most widespread and common member of the genus, being found across most of sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and southern Arabia.
This species is found in savannah / woodland mosaics, and in open areas within dry forest, at altitudes between sea level and about 1500m.
The larval foodplants include Tragia, Ricinus ( Euphorbiaceae ), Grewia ( Tiliaceae ), Lecaniodiscus, Paullinia ( Sapindaceae ) and Holarrhena ( Apocynaceae ).
Adult behaviour
The butterflies have a rapid, erratic flight, and probably spend much of their time in the treetops, but often descend to bask with wigs almost fully open, on the foliage of bushes.