There are 2 species in the genus Aterica – galene which is distributed throughout tropical Africa, and rabena which is endemic to Madagascar.
Aterica galene is distributed across the forested regions of sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal and Sierra Leone to Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

This attractive and common species is found in forested habitats where it flies along logging roads, paths and in sunny glades.
The larval foodplants include Quiscalis, Combretum and Terminalia (Combretaceae) and Scotellia (Flacourtiaceae).
Adult behaviour
Both sexes are commonly seen basking with the forewings swept back, while feeding at rotting fruit on the forest floor. Males also imbibe mineralised moisture from paths and trails, usually in places where dappled sunlight filters through to ground level.
The butterflies have a rapid flight over short distances and usually fly close to the ground. They are alert and take flight readily if disturbed, but return within a minutes or two to resume feeding.