There are over 1040 species of Grass Skipper ( Hesperiinae ) found in the neotropical region. A great many of them are dark brown in colour, and unmarked. There are however numerous species with strong markings, among which is Panoquina evadnes.
All Panoquina species have dull brown uppersides. The forewings are pointed, and are marked with a distinctive pattern whitish or hyaline spots. The undersides vary according to species, but in many including evadnes, fusina, evansi and lucas there is a narrow whitish vertical band on the hindwings.
There are 18 species in the genus Panoquina, distributed variously from Texas and Florida in the USA, to Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. The commonest and most widely distributed species is evadnes, which is distributed from Mexico to Argentina.
This species is found in forest edge habitats at elevations between about 200-2000m.
To be completed.
Adult behaviour
The adults are usually encountered as singletons feeding at bird droppings or at rest on foliage.