There are 72 described species in the genus Cymothoe, a group of large and magnificent butterflies commonly known as Gliders. The genus is entirely Afrotropical in distribution.
The males vary in colour, ranging from the pure white of caenis, and the deep ochreous yellow and chocolate brown of fumana, to the fabulous and aptly named Blood Red Glider sangaris.
Cymothoe caenis is distributed across the forested regions of Africa from Guinea to Congo, Uganda and Zambia.

This species is found mainly in secondary forest and disturbed areas of primary forest.
The larvae feed gregariously on Oncoba, Caloncoba, Lindaeckeria, Rawsonia (Flacourtiaceae) and Uapaca (Euphorbiaceae).
Adult behaviour
On sunny mornings males spend their time high in the tree tops. Later in the day they descend to bask on bushes and saplings, choosing spots where dappled sunlight filters through the canopy to the understorey.