Common White-banded Swallowtail

Scientific Name
Papilio cyproeofila
BUTLER, 1868
Specie in
Papilio cyproeofila male, Bobiri, Ghana
Papilio cyproeofila male, Bobiri, Ghana – Adrian Hoskins


There are about 90 recorded species of Papilionidae in Africa, of which 60 are placed in Papilio – a huge genus comprising of 210 species worldwide.

In Africa there are several untailed species similar to cynorta. Males of gallienus, zenobia, nobicea, cyproeofila, cynorta and plagiatus all have black uppersides with white bands, and undersides with reddish basal patches. Only cyproeofila and gallienus have white marginal spots. The hindwings of gallienus are deeper and more angular than those of cyproeofila.

Papilio cyproeofila is distributed from Sierra Leone to Congo and Angola.


This is a rainforest butterfly, but can be found in severely degraded forests, and penetrates riparian forest in savannah / woodland habitats.

Adult behaviour

Males can sometimes be found at damp patches on logging roads or forest paths, but both sexes are more commonly seen in flight, hovering around the flowers of tall plants including Eupatorium and Lantana. At dusk the butterflies go to roost in trees, settling on the upperside of leaves.

Papilio cyproeofila male, roosting at dusk, Bunso, Ghana
Papilio cyproeofila male, roosting at dusk, Bunso, Ghana – Adrian Hoskins

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Butterfly of
Scientific Name
Papilio cyproeofila
BUTLER, 1868

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