There are about 45 species in the genus Athyma, variously distributed across the Oriental region. They are popularly known as Sergeants, and are closely related to the genera Limenitis and Neptis.
Athyma perius is the commonest and most widespread member of the genus, being found in India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and Java.
This species is found in forested areas at elevations between sea level and about 800m.
The larval foodplant is Glochidion ( Phyllanthaceae ).
Adult behaviour
Common Sergeants have a swift and skittish flight with rapid wing beats alternating with spurts of smooth gliding. They are powerful fliers, but usually only fly for short distances at a time.
Males are strongly territorial and patrol regular beats back and forth along forest trails, settling periodically on the ground or on low herbage.