The Coeliadinae has representatives in tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. The genus Hasora comprises of about 20 medium-large species found from India and Sri Lanka, across to China, and south through the Malay archipelago to Australia and the Fiji islands. Hasora badra is the commonest and most widespread species, occurring in Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Sumatra, Borneo and Sulawesi.
This species is found in primary and secondary rainforest at altitudes between 0-1500m.
The larval foodplant is Derris elliptica.

The Common Awl Hasora badra is dark brown on the upper surface, and devoid of markings in the male. The forewings of the female however have 3 large yellowish hyaline spots in the median area, and 3 small pale spots on the subapical area. On the underside both sexes are dark, with a purplish sheen, and a small white spot on the discal cell.
These large robust skippers fly mainly at dawn and dusk. They have a swift and powerful flight but generally only cover very short distances on each foray; and rest frequently on the under surface of leaves on trees or bushes.