Butler’s Bush Brown

Scientific Name
Mycalesis terminus flagrans
BUTLER, 1876
Specie in
Butler’s Bush Brown
Mycalesis terminus, Mokwam, Arfak, Irian Jaya – G.Zakine


Mycalesis is one of the largest Satyrine genera, containing 88 known species, of which 2 have yet to be given scientific names. The genus is confined to the Oriental and Australian regions.

The butterflies are instantly recognisable as a group, all being some shade of brown on both wing surfaces, and marked with a series of conspicuous ocelli, and a single straight median line across the underside of both wings. Many of the species are very similar, but can usually be distinguished from each other by close examination of the configuration of the ocelli and submarginal lines.

Mycalesis terminus is found in Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea and surrounding islands. It also occurs in Australia ( Cape York ).


This species inhabits forest glades and open woodland where dappled sunlight filters down to the forest floor.


The eggs are yellow and globular. They are laid in clusters of up to 6 on the underside of leaves of the grasses Imperata, Panicum, Themeda and Oplismenus ( Poaceae ). The fully grown caterpillar is pale brown with a faint dark dorsal line. It feeds nocturnally and rests during daytime at the base of a grass tussock. The chrysalis is green with a dark dorsal line. It is suspended by the cremaster from a grass blade or nearby stem.

Adult behaviour

The adults are usually seen resting on low foliage in semi-shaded areas in forest glades or similar semi-open habitats. They never outspread their wings when at rest, but sometimes momentarily flick them open, displaying the diematic ocelli on the upperside as a bluff warning to predators.

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Scientific Name
Mycalesis terminus flagrans
BUTLER, 1876

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