The genus Meza comprises of 9 small species, all of which are found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Meza meza is a west African species found from Ghana to Angola.
This species is found in forest edge habitats at altitudes between sea level and about 800m.
The larva has been reported as feeding on the grass Paspalum ( Poaceae ) but all other members of this genus feed on dicotyledons including Linaceae, Fabaceae and Dichapetalaceae.
Adult behaviour
The butterflies can be found in one’s and two’s in forest edge habitats e.g. along logging roads and in glades. In the early morning sunshine they bask on bushes and low herbage, adopting the typical Hesperiine posture as illustrated at the top of this page. Later in the day they retire to semi-shaded areas, often beneath trees, but periodically emerge to nectar at the flowers of nearby herbaceous plants. When nectaring they usually hold their wings erect over the back.