The tribe Acraeini is primarily African – there are for example 83 species in Kenya, and about 230 in the whole African continent. There are also a few species in Asia, and an estimated 55 in the whole of the neotropical region.
In the neotropics the tribe is represented by 3 genera, most members of which have a pattern of red or orange-yellow bands on the forewings. The genus Actinote comprises of thinly scaled species whose wings often have a translucent and shiny appearance. The closely related genera Abananote and Altinote, are more heavily scaled and boldly marked. All are regarded as toxic models which form part of a complex Batesian / Mullerian mimicry ring involving Heliconius, Gnathotriche, Eresia, Castalia and various Ithomiine genera.
There are 36 known Actinote species. There are 8 subspecies of anteas found variously from Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil.
This species occurs in cloudforest at elevations between about 1000-1800m.
To be completed.
Adult behaviour
Males commonly bask on unsurfaced roads, where they imbibe dissolved minerals from the damp ground. They are usually seen either singly or in low numbers. Females are usually only seen in flight, or when nectaring at Eupatorium, Senecio and other flowers.